SIDRA Intersection Courses

NOTE: ViaStrada are currently reviewing their offerings for SIDRA INTERSECTION training in New Zealand; as well as technical software instruction, this could include training of fundamental concepts for non-specialist clients and managers. Please contact Glen Koorey if you are interested in SIDRA training at any level within NZ.

SIDRA Intersection - Beginner and Intermediate training courses

ViaStrada has traditionally run two training courses, presented by Axel Downard-Wilke and Warren Lloyd.

  • Two day Beginner training course.
  • Two day Intermediate training course.

For further information, or to register your interest for future courses, please contact us.

The demand for SIDRA INTERSECTION training workshops can be high. Our policy is first-come first-served on the basis of payment of the registration fee.


Workshops are held at purpose built training venues, where modern software training facilities are available.


8.30 am to 5.00 pm on each day of the workshop.

Class Sizes

Maximum class size is 20 delegates for the BEGINNER course and 24 delegates for the INTERMEDIATE, with one delegate per computer.

The Workshops

The workshops combine hands-on sessions and instructions to teach participants how to effectively use the latest SIDRA INTERSECTION software, and how to apply and interpret results from the model to solve intersection problems.

This is an interactive learning opportunity with hands-on computer experience, working together with instructors through many examples and case studies.

Those who wish to attend both BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE workshops are offered a discount. Discounts are also available to SIDRA INTERSECTION users with valid COVER.

Previous Courses and Workshops

ViaStrada and Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd (SIDRA SOLUTIONS) run SIDRA INTERSECTION training workshops regularly. To date, we have trained hundreds of traffic/transportation professionals in SIDRA INTERSECTION workshops. These professionals have benefited from an increased knowledge of the SIDRA INTERSECTION software and have enjoyed a greater understanding of intersection analysis methods.

During 2000-2007, Akcelik and Associates and its accredited representatives ran more than 60 SIDRA INTERSECTION training workshops with over 1600 delegates attending. In evaluation of these workshops, the trainees rated various aspects of the SIDRA INTERSECTION training workshops and the SIDRA INTERSECTION software package very highly. See SIDRA Training Workshops for current offerings in Australia and online.

Target Audience

Traffic Engineers and Planners involved in the analysis of intersections for design, operations and planning purposes.

SIDRA INTERSECTION training workshops provide an excellent opportunity for networking by meeting your colleagues who are working in areas related to your work.

Workshop Levels

BEGINNER workshop

The BEGINNER workshop is for people who have limited exposure to, or no knowledge of, SIDRA INTERSECTION. Detailed information on this course can be found on the SIDRA Solutions website (currently only available online).


This assumes that the user knows basic aspects of the use of recent versions of SIDRA INTERSECTION. Previous information on this course can be found here - this course is not currently being offered.

Attending BOTH workshops

You'll benefit from attending both workshops if you satisfy the prerequisites for the INTERMEDIATE workshop.


Each workshop will cover all types of intersections including traffic signals (50%), roundabouts (35%), and sign-controlled (stop and give-way) intersections (15%). Percentages indicate the approximate proportion of time intended to be allocated to each subject area.

Both workshops will include some case studies.



  • General familiarity with traffic engineering methods and terminology, and basic knowledge of intersection capacity concepts.
  • Basic skills in MS Windows use.


Attendance at a previous SIDRA INTERSECTION BEGINNER workshop or a fairly good level of knowledge of the use of SIDRA INTERSECTION.

  • Knowledge of the basic aspects of the use of recent versions of SIDRA INTERSECTION.
  • A fairly good level of familiarity with traffic engineering methods and terminology, and knowledge of intersection evaluation concepts.

Workshop Objectives

Upon completion of the BEGINNER Workshop, participants will:

  • gain a basic knowledge of the capabilities of SIDRA INTERSECTION and the types of problems it can solve,
  • be able to prepare and enter the input data required by SIDRA INTERSECTION,
  • gain a basic knowledge of the use of various SIDRA INTERSECTION facilities, including Design Life Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis and Signal Timing Optimisation, and
  • gain a basic understanding of SIDRA INTERSECTION output.

Upon completion of the INTERMEDIATE Workshop, participants will:

  • gain an improved kowledge of the capabilities of SIDRA INTERSECTION and the tyeps of problems it can solve;
  • gain improved knowledge of the SIDRA INTERSECTION input, templates, Defaults and Options;
  • be able to use various SIDRA INTERSECTION facilities effectively, including Design Life Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Signal Timing Optimisation, Short Lane Analysis, and the SIDRA INTERSECTION method of determining Lane Use at intersections;
  • gain an improved understanding of SIDRA INTERSECTION output including the capacity, performance estimation and timing analysis methods used in SIDRA INTERSECTION and;
  • gain an improved understanding of fundamentals of how signalised and unsignalised intersections operate towards achieving effective intersection design.

SIDRA INTERSECTION is an advanced micro-analytical traffic evaluation tool that employs lane-by-lane and vehicle drive cycle models. For up to date information on the software, folllow the link to the SIDRA Solutions website.


Both workshops will be presented by Axel Wilke and Warren Lloyd. Please see our SIDRA Training page for details on Axel and Warren.

Accommodation and Parking

Delegates are responsible for their own hotel accommodation and car parking arrangements.

Registration fees

Registration fees (per person) will be updated at the time of the next course and will be shown in NZ Dollars. The fee includes workshop notes, morning and afternoon teas and lunch on each day, and covers costs of providing for hands-on computer use. The registration fee is non-refundable.

Registration Process

Registration forms will be available through the website, and should be emailed or posted to ViaStrada. Upon receipt of your registration we will e-mail you an invoice. Please pay on the invoice.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent when the payment has been received. Registration is not confirmed until the payment is received.

Payments must be made in NZ Dollars and the preferred method of payment is by direct credit. 

If not paying by direct credit, overseas delegates must pay by Bank Cheque / Money Order (personal or company cheques are not acceptable).

All Cheques / Money Orders are payable to ViaStrada Ltd.

All registrations will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date of payment of the registration fee.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds will NOT be given for cancellation of registration. However, another delegate may be substituted. Please notify ViaStrada in advance.


Workshop Registration Enquiries

For all registration enquiries or expressions of interest in future courses, please contact our training course co-ordinator Debbie Roxby.

Technical Enquiries

For technical enquiries regarding the BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE Course, please contact Axel Downard-Wilke.