ViaStrada presenting at Bike Futures 2012

Will cycle lanes increase safety of cyclists at roundabouts? Will narrow lane separators be effective to keep cars out of cycle lanes?

The fourth Bike Futures Conference, the annual conference organised by the Bicycle Network, will be held in mid October 2012 in Melbourne.  ViaStrada director Axel Wilke will give two presentations, reporting on progress on two research projects and answering the questions above.

The first research project was commissioned by Austroads and is titled "Assessment of the Effectiveness of On-road Bicycle Lanes at Roundabouts in Australia and New Zealand". This follows on from a workshop held at the 2011 Bike Futures Conference. Co-presenters are Tony Barton (for the client) and fellow researcher Cameron Munro.

The second research is for VicRoads and concerns itself with bicycle lane separators. VicRoads has had research done on this previously (mostly by SKM) and this new research covers the effectiveness of devices than are narrower than what has already been studied.  The co-presenter for this presentation is Tony Barton from VicRoads.

(Photo by Cameron Munro)