Filter turning at traffic signals across cycleways

Where presented/published

SNUG Workshop, Hamilton, 1 & 2 November 2018

Megan and Axel presented at the 2018 SNUG Workshop on how traffic signals are operated when a separated cycleway is present. Currently, transport legislation implies that full separation in time is to be used, and when cycleway users see a green light turning drivers must be held on a red arrow. This is an inefficient way of operating intersections.  More importantly, based on overseas evidence, this is likely to have poorer safety outcomes than allowing filter turning, at least up to certain turning volume thresholds.

A New York case study from Megan's study tour was presented where filter-turning drivers are shown flashing yellow arrows as a mitigation measure to raise their awareness. The presentation can be downloaded from our website. Should filter turning across separated cycleways be trialled? Would the Signals New Zealand User Group (SNUG) support a formal trial? If you a SNUG member you can discuss this issue at their forum.

driver facing flashing yellow arrow giving way

We have been approached by one of the larger road controlling authorities to discuss such a trial. Are other RCAs interested in joining this discussion?

poll at SNUG workshop

Megan Gregory (née Fowler)
Principal Transportation Engineer
Axel Downard-Wilke
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner