ViaStrada has assisted in the development of Kaikoura's first walking and cycling strategy. The strategy was developed with a series of three stakeholder meetings, facilitated by Megan Fowler. The stakeholder group consisted of members from the Kaikoura District Council (both officers and councillors), NZTA, OnTrack, DOC, CCS Disability Action, Te Runanga o Kaikoura, Te Tai o Marokura, Tasman Regional Sports Trust, Canterbury DHB, Environment Canterbury, NZ Police and the Kaikoura Youth Council.
Draft versions of the strategies were distributed to the group and revised according to feedback before and after each meeting. The final draft of the strategy was then presented to council and, upon approval, submitted for community consultation. The strategy was finalised by the Kaikoura Disctict Council according to consultation feedback in February 2009.
The strategy is available from the Kaikoura District Council website.
The vision is:
- Kaikoura - he hikoi me eke pahikara pararaihi, ki uta ki tai.
- Kaikoura - a walking and cycling paradise, from the mountains to the sea.
The draft strategy has three objectives:
- Encourage and support people in Kaikoura to choose walking and cycling for active, healthy lifestyles and an improved environment.
- Develop a safe, accessible, sustainable and integrated network for walking and cycling.
- Ensure that all relevant strategies, policies, plans and practices for Kaikoura include and support walking and cycling.
The strategy also contains policies, targets, network plans and an implementation plan to ensure that lofty ideals get translated into action on the ground and in the community.