Transport planning advice for City Plan/Master Plan alignment


Review of City Plan for alignment with Central City South Master Plan


Christchurch City Council


Christchurch, NZ


Expert advice


Project Status



ViaStrada has provided transport planning advice to the Christchurch City Council with respect to the transport-related provisions in the Christchurch City Plan to support the Central City South Master Plan.  The master plan was adopted by Council in May 2009 and established the main characteristics (desired outcomes) that Council is seeking to encourage for the precinct. The desired outcomes focus on achieving mixed use development (especially residential, commercial and retail land uses) with high levels of urban amenity, active street life and reducing the dominance of motor vehicles.

The investigation involved a review of relevant national, regional and local strategies and also best practice. It was identified that transport aspects of the built environment can contribute towards achieving the desired outcomes and some of these aspects can be influenced through the City Plan. Some potential Plan change options were then identified. These relate predominantly to on-site car and cycle parking provision and improving the pedestrian environment.

ViaStrada was commissioned to provide the advice given our transport and planning expertise. The core project team consisted of Jeanette, Lisa, Kathryn and Rhys.  This work has been helpful for CCC in the development of the proposed changes to City Plan rules for the Central City following the earthquake.