IPENZ Transportation Group Conference, Auckland, March 2016
Glen Koorey from the University of Canterbury, soon to join ViaStrada, presented at the IPENZ Transportation Group Conference in March 2016, with co-presenter John Lieswyn. Their paper was titled Making Space: Innovative Ways to Fit Multiple Modes within Narrow Cross Sections.
Increasingly in New Zealand, there is a desire to provide road space for a range of different road users, including cycles, buses, and light rail. For many typical NZ road corridors (e.g. a standard 20 m road reserve) it can seem difficult to achieve this. However, many overseas examples offer inspiration (sometimes unconventional) for ways forward.
The paper collates a wide variety of different road re-allocation treatments (from literature review and overseas study trips), to provide ideas and guidance for tackling similar problems in New Zealand. As well as more conventional options (such as: removing parking, narrowing traffic lanes, and making one-way streets), the paper examines some more creative treatments observed overseas (such as: traffic lanes being used as part-time tram platforms, single-lane two-way busways, and “2-minus-1” roads).
In addition to describing their respective design aspects, some of the advantages and disadvantages of each option are discussed. In some cases, changes to NZ traffic legislation may also be required to allow certain innovations to be implemented. For many, extensive public education will also be necessary to successfully introduce them in New Zealand.
The full paper and presentation can be viewed and downloaded here. Glen and John were awarded "highly commended practice paper" for their paper. A slightly amended version of this paper was also published in ARRB's Road and Transport Research journal (Vol.25 No.1). The authors would be happy to apply their experience in this area to street reconfiguration examples in New Zealand.