New Zealand walking and cycling strategies – best practice

Where presented/published

Land Transport NZ Research Report 274

This report describes research undertaken for Land Transport New Zealand on walking and cycling strategies. The study was carried out between August 2004 and August 2005. All 36 known New Zealand strategies publicly available at the end of 2004 were reviewed, plus a selection 8 of international strategies.

The research involved reviewing existing walking and/or cycling strategies, surveying transportation professionals in local and regional councils and describing best practice from the perspectives of the research team. Examples of best-practice content from existing strategies are used liberally in the research report to help illustrate the research findings. A recommended structure (including a foreword, introduction, vision, objectives, policies, targets and monitoring) is proposed.

This research project should simplify the task of practitioners in developing new walking and/or cycling strategies or reviewing existing strategies.

Land Transport New Zealand Research Report 274 is available on the NZTA website.

Andrew Macbeth
Roger Boulter
Paul Ryan