Northern Arterial

Where presented/published

Bailies Bar in Edgeware, Christchurch, 1 Oct 2018

A few of us have got together and started the CHAT Club where we discuss Canterbury Housing and Transport. We’ve been throwing the idea around for a while, but only recently sat down over an orange juice and decided to actually get it started. Our first event was on 1 October 2018 at Bailies Bar in Edgeware, where we heard former mayor Garry Moore speak about the history of the currently under construction Northern Corridor motorway.

As an introduction, Axel Wilke showed some historic Northern Arterial plans; the first ones were drawn up in 1957! The slides are online. Glen Koorey was the MC for the event.

1960 Northern Arterial plan

1987 plans
Sheets from the 1987 plan set


Axel Downard-Wilke
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner