2WALKandCYCLE Conference 2024

We were delighted to be involved in the 2WALKandCYCLE Conference held in Wellington on 18 and 19 March 2024. From helping to organise the event itself, to sponsoring a morning tea and hosting an exhibition booth and with three of our staff presenting at the conference (Nick, Axel and John), it was a busy couple of days! We were joined by our summer intern Amy.

We enjoyed super engagement with our “guess the number of All-Sorts” competition. Congratulations to our two winners who guessed the closest number of lollies in the jar at 165 (actual number 169)!

If you missed our presentations or were there and would like a copy of speaker slides, you can find “How do we sell the benefits of lower speeds?” presented by John Lieswyn here, “The Far North Trails Plan”, presented by Nick Reid here and “Making traffic signals work for people cycling”, presented by Axel Downard-Wilke here.

Of the many fantastic speakers who presented, a highlight for Nick was hearing from urban superhero Janette Sadik-Khan, former commissioner of the New York City Dept. of Transport and responsible for urban transformation in NYC. She spoke about the future of transport (hint: it is not what you get when you google image search ‘the future of transport’ with flying cars and spaceship machines in our cities). "If you can change the street, you can change the world."