
  • Dunedin 2-aspect cycle signal trial – final survey

    Have you noticed any cycle signals with only red and green (i.e. no yellow) aspects? These are being trialled at certain locations around NZ, and ViaStrada are currently conducting the final evaluations for two locations in Dunedin.

  • Lockdown Quizzers

    The annual Transportation Group’s Canterbury / West Coast Branch Quiz Night is over for 2020. The theme was lockdown and the outcome is that we will lock down the trophy for another year.

    The quiz night has been going for several years. The exact number of years has been lost in the mists of time. This may have been the seventh event, but nobody knows for sure. For the 2018 quiz night, the branch decided to get a nice trophy done. That year, the ViaStrada team won the event for the first time and we put the trophy onto our reception desk. We then won the 2019 quiz.

  • Infrastructure for e-Mobility – Get Involved!

    Click for the questionnaire

    ViaStrada is researching the needs of e-Mobility (e-Bike, e-Scooter, etc) riders to improve accessibility and safety. For this we are seeking e-Mobility riders who like to share their experience with us. What do you need as a rider of an e-Bike, e-Scooter, or other electrically driven device?

  • Home Sweet Home...

    zoomDue to the potential impacts of COVID-19, our staff are currently working at home. This is to minimise the chance of unintended transmission of the virus between our team and with anyone else we interact with.