
  • Two surveys for cycling

    Directional cycle signals trial

    This survey has now closed - results have been submitted to the NZ Transport Agency and will be available soon.

  • Season's greetings 2017

    We hope you like this year's card (below): you can find out more about our research on red light running.

    Merry Christmas from the team at ViaStrada!


  • By royal appointment

    It's all a bit hush hush, but we've just signed a contract where our contractual partner is acting for Her Majesty the Queen. Can we thus say that we work "by royal appointment"? Maybe Jon's previous meeting has helped our case.

    Royal meeting
  • ViaStrada finalists in NZ's top cycling awards

    ** STOP PRESS - CNG WORK RECEIVES HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD ** Finalists were recently announced for New Zealand's 2017 Bike to the Future awards, and ViaStrada are excited to feature on the list! We worked with Abley Transportation on the Cycling Network Guidance project, which is a finalist for the Innovation Hub Award. The winners will be announced at the Asia-Pacific Cycle Congress awards dinner in Christchurch on 19 October.