
  • Season's greetings 2019

    2019 is drawing to a close. It's been a busy year and now it's time to relax. And slow down; not just at work but also on our roads. 

    Thanks for all the wonderful projects that have been entrusted to us this year. It's greatly appreciated.

    Our last day in the office will be Friday, 20 December. We'll be back from 6 January. For anything urgent in between, please contact any of our directors. We wish all of our colleagues and contacts a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

  • Dunedin pedestrian/cycle Barnes Dance trials

    You've probably heard of "Barnes Dances" or all-directions pedestrian signal phases. The Dutch even do some for cycles at intersections. Now NZ is trying some for people walking and cycling combined...

  • Monitoring walking and cycling webinar available

    Recently ViaStrada assisted with the development and presentation of the Transport Agency's first webinar on walking & cycling topics, namely measuring and monitoring these active modes. Glen Koorey oversaw the project coordination and MC'd the webinar, while John Lieswyn presented on technologies available for monitoring. They were joined by Bridget Burdett (MRCagney, measuring walking) and Courtney Groundwater (Abley, monitoring cycling), with Claire Pascoe (NZTA) providing a sponsor's overview.

  • Welcome to Niklas!

    NiklasWe are pleased to announce a recent arrival to the ViaStrada team for the summer - Niklas Höing! Niklas recently completed his transportation Masters at the University of Wuppertal, Germany (Axel's old alma mater) and was keen to get some overseas working experience.