
  • Christchurch CBD 30 km/h speed limit

    In March 2016, Christchurch City introduced a 30 km/h zone within the central city. Two years on, here's an updated analysis by Glen of safety impacts of this lower speed zone, using the surrounding remainder of the CBD as a "control" comparison. Reported injuries: down 36% vs previous two years. Reported injury crashes: down 25%. All while vehicle and foot traffic have been growing with businesses returning to city.

  • Green thumbs

    On 4 August 2018, our team spent the day planting native trees on Quail Island / Ōtamahua. The trust looking after the island has been at it for 20 years and the progress is stunning. We thoroughly enjoyed lending a few hands and adding to the collective effort.

  • See you in Palmerston North

    Three of us will be presenting at the upcoming 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Palmerston North: John Lieswyn (two presentations), Glen Koorey (one presentation) and Axel Wilke (one presentation). There are written papers in support of two of those presentations. Here are the details: