
  • Impacts of the Nelson City Council Plan changes

    An independent report on the recently notified suite of plan changes proposed by Nelson City Council has revealed a number of potentially significant impacts across the whole of Nelson. 

    Former Council manager responsible for administering the Nelson Resource Management Plan and director of ViaStrada, Tony Quickfall, says that the plan changes introduce some significant and wide-ranging amendments.

  • Five new cycle trails get the green light

    Prime Minister John Key announced on World Tourism Day, 23 September 2010, that funding of $13.9 million has been approved for five more cycle trails forming part of the New Zealand Cycle Trail project. This announcement means that all of the planned eighteen Great Rides have now had their funding confirmed and can proceed to the construction phase if construction has not already begun.

  • Streamline Resource Consent Programme

    In response to a number of enquiries from architectural firms, housing companies, and residential, commercial and industrial developers seeking further clarification of the process, the costs and benefits and some concrete examples of streamline applications lodged, we've put together a guide on the process and provided some examples of our streamline reports.

    To find out more, view our streamline consent page.

  • Resource consents for earthquake affected buildings - updated 17/11/2010


    ViaStrada's planning staff are constantly reviewing the Christchurch City Council, Waimakariri District Council and Selwyn District Council planning processes and procedures that relate to the Canterbury earthquake recovery phase.  Reviews of central government and non-governmental initiatives to assist with recovery and redevelopment are also being undertaken (e.g., Recover Canterbury, Stronger Canterbury, Parliamentary Counsel Office, etc).