
  • Welcome to Sue McAuley

    Sue McAuley will join the Nelson office of ViaStrada on 2 March 2009 as a Traffic Planner.

    Sue's experience spans 25 years in all aspects of traffic engineering and transport planning in both the public and private sectors, covering both New Zealand and Australia.

    Welcome to the team, Sue.

  • ViaStrada newsletter - feedback sought

    We've published newsletters in each of the last three months of 2008.  Our final one had some gremlins at work and our system seemed to go on holiday before we did on 24 December, when we thought we'd published the newsletter. We discovered that the issue was still stuck in cyberspace early in the New Year and when we liberated it, other technical problems occurred.  Our IT guys are working on it and we should be looking better next time (around the end of January).

  • Roundabout 119

    The IPENZ Transportation Group's membership magazine Roundabout got delayed and the December 2008 issue (# 119) will be posted in January. If you are a Transportation Group member and were eagerly awaiting the magazine's arrival, attached is an electronic version.

  • New Web Design

    Welcome to ViaStrada’s new website. The same content as previously is now provided with a better look and feel.

    There’s a great team of people behind the scenes making this happen, and we would like to acknowledge them: