2019 Transportation Conference awards success

ViaStrada and its staff were honoured with being finalist or winning the following awards at the 2019 Transportation Group Conference in Wellington:

  • Best Research Paper: Our paper on Directional cycle signals, describing a formal Traffic Control Devices trial, was chosen by the judges as the best research paper. Whilst Axel Wilke's name appears on the award certificate, the paper's lead author was Megan Gregory who could not be at the conference as she is on maternity leave. Axel, who is the project director for this research, thus presented the paper at the conference.
Axel receiving his certificate


  • Best Research Paper (runner-up): The other research paper that received formal recognition was written and presented by Glen Koorey on the mechanics and politics of changing a speed limit. Glen has worked on the topic for more than a decade and has provided significant industry leadership in this space.
Glen receiving his certificate


We were thrilled to be recognised for our efforts and proud to have won both research paper prizes that were awarded.

2019 3M Award ceremony
2019 Transportation Conference 3M Awards (from left): Michael Holderness (3M), Susan Freeman-Greene (ENZ), Hjarne Poulsen (Dunedin CC), Glen Koorey (ViaStrada)