We have developed and reviewed various strategic plans covering areas like transport investment, sustainable and active transport, road safety, and speed management. We have also investigated transport policy issues for central and local Government agencies and helped them to consider improved policies and practices.
Planning & policy
Business cases
From the Point of Entry (PoE) to a Single Stage Business Case (SSBC), ViaStrada are experts in helping clients navigate the acronym soup of the business case approach. We have supported larger consultancies with particular aspects, led teams to provide the entire scope of works, and can deliver peer reviews in accordance with NZTA requirements. Recent experience includes the delivery of network Programme Business Case (PBC) linked with a public-facing master plan for Dunedin City.
Development transport assessments
ViaStrada provides traffic engineering support and transport assessments for developers and peer reviews of applications for consenting authorities. We offer pragmatic advice to improve the safety and accessibility of homes and businesses including new subdivisions, retirement villages, medical offices, supermarkets, retail centres, industrial sites and airports. Services range from a simple application for a new driveway or a carpark design up to site circulation plans and new traffic signals. As a small company we can provide leading value for money.
Legislation, regulations, evidence
Transport legislation in New Zealand is a complex system of Acts, Rules and Regulations, with ongoing changes being made to these regularly to take account of new transport devices and technologies.
ViaStrada can provide expert advice on the legislative implications of proposed transport activities. We can also investigate the effects of potential changes to legislation, and draft new legislation content where necessary.
Public transport planning
Our team provides bus route planning assisted by GIS analysis and associated economic assessment. We analyse current usage by interrogating databases, including Bee Card boarding data or those held by operators. This is a valuable basis for evidence-based improvements.
School & workplace travel
Providing ways for people to get safely and efficiently to schools and workplaces is part of an effective and sustainable transport system. ViaStrada has developed school travel plans in Hastings, Palmerston North, Whakatāne, and Whangārei as well as assisting with the Hastings District Council workplace travel plan. John has presented on travel planning internationally, produced travel plans for the many cities in California and conducted evaluations for school travel planning activities in Alameda County, California and Auckland, NZ.
Speed management
Safer Speeds are a key plank of New Zealand's road safety strategy. Reduced speeds (through lower speed limits, traffic calming, and other speed management initiatives) have been demonstrated here and internationally to reduce both the likelihood and severity of traffic crashes.
ViaStrada can assist with the development of speed management plans or review the effectiveness of previously implemented speed reductions.
Strategies & masterplans
ViaStrada wrote the book on walking and cycling strategies and produced many of the first iterations for councils across New Zealand. Today’s strategies are anchored by buildable concept designs and informed by robust public, iwi and stakeholder engagement. We are specialists in multi-criteria analysis and the only provider of the ActiveTrans Priority Tool (APT). Our prioritisation frameworks are presented in web map form for easy interpretation by clients during development and the public as end readers.