The Signals NZ User Group (SNUG) has been working with RCAs to have their traffic signals audited to ensure:
- Uniformity of design & appearance throughout NZ,
- Operational safety & efficiency, and
- Compliance with NZ & Austroads standards.
As a consequence of this, several NZ local authorities have commissioned traffic signal audits. Warren and Axel have contributed to five RCA traffic signal audits to date.
Below is part of the executive summary from such an audit report.
The work by the audit teams was summarised in a Land Transport NZ publication 'Stops and Goes of Traffic Signals', authored by Ian Appleton and Axel Wilke.
Executive summary
This report presents the findings of an audit of a sample of 10 of the traffic signal controlled intersections operated by DCC. The purpose of the audit is to identify issues with signal design, maintenance and operation, and make recommendations that will help improve the safety and efficiency of traffic signal control.
The audit followed the procedure described in the Transfund New Zealand document ‘Audit of Existing Traffic Signals' November 2002. The audit methodology was broadened by including elements of the safety audit procedures.
The audit was carried out by Axel Wilke (Traffix, now ViaStrada), assisted by Dave Gamble (Traffic Plan Ltd).