Shared use path width investigations


ViaStrada has undertaken significant research and tool development on behalf of VicRoads (Victoria, Australia) to determine appropriate shared use path widths based on user volume characteristics.

The series of projects began with an international literature review from which it was determined that the Shared Use Path Level of Service (SUPLOS) calculator, commissioned by the USA's Federal Highways Administration (FWHA) was the most appropriate tool available. ViaStrada then investigated the transferability of SUPLOS to Australian path design through audits of Australian sites and comparison with SUPLOS output. Several modifications to the original SUPLOS were made, including provision for tidal flows (i.e. different volumes in each direction of travel).

Lead researchers Warren Lloyd and Megan Fowler presented their findings and recommendations to the Victorian Bicycle Advisory Council and held a workshop for path designers from Victoria to help refine their design methodology. The work has subsequently been published as VicRoads Cycle Notes 21 on shared use path design, and also presented as a conference poster.

To develop a method of determining shared use path widths based on user volumes
Melbourne, Australia
Report and path design methodology
Project Status
Completed March 2009
Warren Lloyd
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer