Directional cycle signals trial


A formal Traffic Control Device trial of directional cycle signals has been approved for four locations; two in Christchurch and two in Auckland.

Directional cycle signals incorporate an arrow with the cycle symbol within the signal. This enables separate control of multiple cycle movements from one approach. It is particularly useful to provide for a diagonal or right turn cycle movement during different phases to the straight through and left turn movements.

The evaluation process is most concerned with how people cycling and driving interpret the signals, and the conflicts that result from any non-compliant behaviours. More information about the trial parameters and time-frame is contained in the directional cycle signals trial gazette notice. ViaStrada staff presented preliminary findings at the 2018 SNUG Workshop (technical audience) and the 2019 Transportation Conference (more general audience). Our paper submitted for the Transportation Conference won the 'Best Research Paper' award; we were chuffed!

We have submitted our final report to our client and the traffic control devices are currently going through the approval process.

Trial and evaluate the effectiveness of directional cycle signals
Christchurch City Council and Auckland Transport
Christchurch and Auckland
trial method and project evaluation report
Project Status
Megan Gregory (née Fowler)
Principal Transportation Engineer