Accommodating cyclists at signalised intersections

Where presented/published

2005 NZ Cycling Conference, Hutt City

This paper explores how cyclists can be accommodated at signalised intersections using specific cycle facilities and creating a more cycle-friendly environment by speed control.

Guidance is given where cycle lanes should be placed and the exceptions to the rules are explored. Advanced Stop Lines should be the standard treatment for cycle storage at the limit line, but Advanced Stop Boxes can sometimes be more appropriate. Slip lanes and bypasses for cyclists can overcome some safety problems and increase the level of service. Experienced cyclists can most effectively be assisted with turning right by design measures on the intersection approach, whilst hook turns and special signal phases are available to support less competent cyclists.

Cycle paths are complex to integrate into the operation of signalised cross intersections. Current New Zealand practice does not appear to be supported in law and a review is suggested.

This paper can be viewed online on this website.

Axel Downard-Wilke
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner
Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner