We are excited to welcome Luca Ware and Nick Reid.
Luca recently graduated from the University of Canterbury with a Bachelor of Science majoring in geography, environmental science, and psychology. In her last year of study, she investigated gender differences in motivations and perceptions of active mode choice. This project, her time studying and previous experience in the transport industry fostered her passion for integrating psychology and social science into transport projects. She endeavours to look at transport from a multidisciplinary point of view, emphasising human factors and environmental impacts. In her spare time Luca enjoys getting out into the wilderness on skis, on a tramping trail, in a kayak or in a sailboat. Contact Luca through the ViaStrada website and please connect with her on LinkedIn.
Nick is interested in how the design of our urban environment has impacts on public health, greenhouse gas emissions and community cohesion. He has recently graduated from the University of Canterbury with a Civil Engineering degree, focusing on transport engineering and human geography. In his final year Nick studied the distribution of amenities in towns and cities in New Zealand. Nick is involved in youth climate change advocacy and really enjoys tramping – over the 2021/22 summer he walked a substantial portion of the Te Araroa Trail. Nick can be contacted through the ViaStrada website and please connect with him on LinkedIn.
Also, Megan Gregory has re-joined us after a year’s maternity leave. Megan has been with ViaStrada since she completed her MET in 2007 (having also spent some time in France and maternity leave since then). Megan is highly competent with the technical aspects of engineering including scientific research, data analysis, and spatial and temporal design, as well as being a skilled communicator through written and oral forms. Megan has received accolades from the traffic engineering community, including for conference papers and presentations. Megan is passionate about providing transportation systems that offer people safe, healthy and enjoyable travel options. Contact Megan through the ViaStrada website and please connect with her on LinkedIn.