
  • 2017 Papanui Parallel staff tour

    On 19 June 2017, the ViaStrada team met for breakfast at Meshino in St Albans before riding the Papanui Parallel (Puari ki Papanui), one of the Major Cycle Routes under construction. We last checked out the route as a team in December 2015 when it was just an idea; now it's almost there. We rode the whole length, starting at the Railway Cycleway where it crosses Sawyers Arms Road.

  • KiwiRail accreditation

    Have you heard yet that KiwiRail has accredited a number of industry professionals? Going forward, any safety audit that incorporates a level crossing will be required to have a KiwiRail-accredited team member.

    Also, modifications to or new designs for rail crossings are from now on subject to a Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessment (LCSIA) and, before KiwiRail will accept any design, you need a review from a KiwiRail-accredited reviewer.

    Get in touch with ViaStrada if your work requires a KiwiRail-accredited professional.

  • New look website

    ViaStrada’s website has been given an overhaul. It’s not just a fresh look, but it’s now much more convenient to check out online content via your cell phone. And links across to social media are now smoother, too. Thanks to the team of Catalyst to make this happen.

    Mobile view
  • ViaStrada sucks at cycling

    It's official: ViaStrada sucks at cycling. You may ask - how come? Well, we entered the Aotearoa Bike Challenge where staff record their bike trips for a month. And we came a miserable 14th in our category (7 to 19 staff). All of us bike to work; most of us every day. Not everybody works every day, so it took until day 2 before we hit 100% participation. What scores highly, though, is to encourage non-cycling staff to give it a go. And there we failed miserably; we simply don't have those people on the team.