
  • Season's greetings 2016

    We're closing for the holidays on Friday 23 December and will be open again on Wednesday 4 January.

    We wish all of our colleagues and contacts a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

  • Better cycleways through rules changes

    The following legislative changes relating to cycling have gone through. The give way rules change is a big one, as it enables us to design and build better protected cycle lanes and shared paths.

    Road User Rule amendment 2016, principally:

  • Widen roundabouts for safety

    You may have read in The Press that Dr Glen Koorey advocated for Christchurch City Council to widen roundabouts, and build more large roundabouts, to reduce crashes for drivers and people cycling (The Press, 31 Aug 2016, page A5). Surprised? So was he! Because that is certainly not what he had told the reporter who rang him the day prior.

  • ViaStrada's John Lieswyn featured in ITE Journal

    Senior transportation planner John Lieswyn is featured in the "Member to Member" profile for the May 2016 issue of ITE Journal. The journal is the monthly publication of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The Institute was founded in 1930. It has over 13,000 members in 90 countries and is the pre-eminent professional body for transportation professionals worldwide.