
  • Cycling Safety Panel's work well received

    In February 2014, the New Zealand Transport Agency announced the members of a Cycling Safety Panel. The Panel was created following the conclusion of a coronial review into the deaths of a number of cyclists on New Zealand Roads. It was comprised of ten experts in the fields of cycling, transport and human behaviour, who were tasked with developing recommendations for making the country’s roads safer for cycling.

  • Season's greetings 2014

    Season's greetings to all our clients, colleagues and peers from the ViaStrada team. We hope you enjoy a relaxing holiday. Our office will be closed from Christmas Day (Thursday, 25 December). Some of us will be back from Monday, 5 January.

  • Champion

    Congratulations to Megan Fowler for putting together an award-winning presentation. At the two-day Signals NZ User Group (SNUG) workshop in Christchurch, Axel Wilke presented on legal issues that Separated Bicycle Facilities experience at traffic signals. The SNUG committee awarded "best technical presentation" for this contribution. Well done, Megan!

  • Community responds well to changes in parking management

    You probably think that it's not possible for the community to love its city council for fundamental changes to its parking management. Well, most of the time, any changes to parking result in hot debate. Not so in San Francisco, where things have gone through a thorough revamp over the last four years. ViaStrada's Axel Wilke went to have a look, and spoke to those in charge.