
  • Neighbourhood Greenways

    There are a variety of names around for this cycle network tool. Originally, they were called Bicycle Boulevards. Neighbourhood Greenways then became a name that has maybe become most common now. We haven't got any of them in New Zealand yet, but Dunedin is about to establish some, and there they are called Quiet Streets. So what exactly is it?

  • Survey on bike lane separators

    ViaStrada has been commissioned by VicRoads to undertake research on bicycle lane separators. Two trials are underway in Christchurch, and we are now looking for feedback.

  • New office

    We've moved again, but this time not very far. We are now in a different part of Pomeroy's; just through the wall, really. This is now our permanent office and it's a great space over two levels.

  • ViaStrada presenting at Bike Futures 2012

    Will cycle lanes increase safety of cyclists at roundabouts? Will narrow lane separators be effective to keep cars out of cycle lanes?

    The fourth Bike Futures Conference, the annual conference organised by the Bicycle Network, will be held in mid October 2012 in Melbourne.  ViaStrada director Axel Wilke will give two presentations, reporting on progress on two research projects and answering the questions above.