
  • Advanced Cycle Planning and Design Training Course

    On behalf of NZTA, ViaStrada is developing an Advanced Cycling Planning and Design Course to expand on the Fundamentals of Planning and Design for Cycling course. Training courses will start in September 2009.  Further details are available on the training course web page.

  • RMA changes

    Proposed changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) are, according to the Ministry for the Environment, due to come into force around 1 September 2009.  These changes are proposed to streamline resource consent processes, but practitioners are yet to be convinced.  While there will be some improvements, many of the changes are un-tested and will involve a settling in period, as Councils and consultants get their heads around the practical implications of the changes.

  • Conference Calendar

    As a service to the profession, ViaStrada keeps track of conferences and major workshops that are relevant to the planning and transportation industry. Please find those events in our website calendar.  So our website is a good tool for you meeting your CPD requirements, or for planning ahead in terms of conference attendance.

    Should a particular event be missing, please bring it to our attention by contacting Helen.

  • National Cycleway

    ViaStrada welcomes Government's announcement of a $50 million fund for the New Zealand Cycleway initiative. It is proposed that ‘Great Rides’ will be based around some of New Zealand’s iconic attractions and make use of infrastructure that is already there. In addition, the ‘Great Rides’ will hep implement regional and local government community based initiatives to create new cycleways. The fund allocation is for the next three financial years.