
  • ViaStrada secure bike parking

    One of the car parks in the basement now caters for ViaStrada staff bikes. There's room for a whopping 12 bikes - we reckon that's a very good use of that space. But given the rate at which we are growing, and the high proportion of our staff who bike to work (three quarters of staff in the Christchurch office), how long will it be before we run out of space and have to convert another car space for bikes?

  • Welcome to Jeanette Ward

    Jeanette Ward joined ViaStrada on Monday, 19 November 2007. The team is very excited about having Jeanette on board. Welcome!

    Jeanette is well known in Christchurch, having worked for Christchurch City Council in various roles since the early 1990s. Having recently returned from a stint with Mouchelparkman in England, she has happily accepted an offer to work for one of the fastest growing consultancies in the South Island.

  • ViaStrada presents at Cycling Conference

    ViaStrada staff co-authored four papers presented at the 6th NZ Cycling Conference in Napier in 2007. That was by far the strongest showing of any NZ consultancy.

  • ViaStrada features in Land Transport NZ newsletter

    Our Fundamentals of Planning and Design for Cycling course has featured in the September 07 Land Transport NZ newsletter.