
  • 500 Fundamentals Course attendees

    The 'Fundamentals of Planning and Design for Cycling' has reached a huge milestone. Over 500 individuals have now attended one of the courses. That's a great success for such a small country as NZ.

  • ViaStrada presents at Transportation Conference

    ViaStrada staff have authored or co-authored five papers and remits, to be presented at the 2007 IPENZ Transportation Conference in Tauranga. That is a great effort well done, team!

  • Hook turns for cyclists


    A hook turn is an indirect way for cyclists to turn right at a signalised intersection (see the diagram below). It involves moving to the far side of the intersection (position 1), keeping as far left as possible. The cyclist then waits there until the side street gets a green light and then moves with side street traffic across the intersection (to position 2).

  • Negotiated contract limit now $100,000

    Under Land Transport NZ's Competitive Pricing Procedures, the dollar limit for negotiated contracts for professional services for road controlling authorities and others (such as regional councils) is now $100,000.