
  • Velocity 2007 in Munich

    The 2007 Velocity conference in Munich, attended by ViaStrada director Axel Wilke, was most worthwhile. Below are a few reflections on this conference, lessons learned of relevance to NZ, and a list of Kiwi attendees.

  • ViaStrada Ltd – our new company

    We are pleased to announce that ViaStrada Ltd has been formed by the merger of Streets in Sync and Traffix. We started trading as ViaStrada on Monday 21 May 2007. With our four directors and six staff, we will be able to offer a broader service to our clients than previously.

  • Merger of Traffix and Streets in Sync

    Traffix and Streets in Sync are merging in May 2007 to form a new company.

    With our four directors and six staff, we will be able to offer a more complete service to our clients than previously. We are still developing a new company name and website, and will post these on our websites as soon as they are available.

    Streets in Sync, formed in August 2004, is involved in general municipal traffic engineering, specialising in the traffic engineering aspects of resource management.

  • Good bye Petr

    Petr Pokorný, a traffic engineer from the Czech Republic, finished working with Traffix in April 2007.

    Petr had been with the company since November 2006. Before leaving New Zealand, he spent two weeks in the South Island's rugged high country that he enjoyed so much. The team greatly enjoyed Petr's input and his humour. It would be great to see him back working for ViaStrada sometime.