Planning & design for cycling - industry training
Project Status
ViaStrada in conjunction with NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) runs a series of training courses to introduce the principles of planning and design for cycling in New Zealand. The courses are aimed at anybody planning, designing or reviewing roads or other facilities used for cycling (and other micro-mobility devices). This includes planners, general roading engineers and road safety practitioners. Local body politicians, people involved in the health sector, students and cycling advocates can also attend the courses. To date, since 2003 over 1500 people have attended fundamental and advanced courses in Planning and Design for Cycling.
All participants receive a set of presentation slides for note taking, and other reference material. Attendee numbers are usually limited to ~25-30 to ensure that there are opportunities for questions and discussion throughout the course. The workshops include lectures, discussions, and practical exercises.
Following on from the award winning Fundamentals course, Advanced courses were developed to lift the industry's performance to the next level of professional competence. The content of the cycling training courses was completely revised and restructured from July 2016 to reflect the introduction of NZTA's Cycling Network Guidance and a more multi-modal planning approach (with ongoing updates since then). New training formats, including interactive case-based workshops and online webinars, are being developed for delivery in conjunction with NZTA.
Course details
Cycle Planning and Design - fundamentals
The introductory course will cover a broad range of topics including:
- Understanding our users – target audience approach, cyclists’ five main requirements
- Planning for cycling – assessing demand, route options, prioritisation, monitoring, engagement, funding processes
- Designing between intersections – separation vs integration, cycle lanes, separated cycleways, paths, making space
- Intersection design – continuity through intersections, cycle bypasses, minor junctions, cycle crossings, cycle detection, signalised intersections, roundabouts
The course makes reference to various new components of the Waka Kotahi Cycling Network Guidance; it also considers how e-bikes and other low-powered micro-mobility devices (e.g. e-scooters) affect planning considerations. The course summarises recent advancements in cycling planning and design understanding, based on recent research and practice and using case studies from a wide range of New Zealand projects implemented in the last few years.
More course information... (PDF)
Advanced intersection design
This interactive workshop focuses on advanced intersection design issues, particularly around signalised intersections and roundabouts. Participants receive a series of introductory presentations and then work in groups on four real-life site problems. Participants should have either previously undertaken the introductory cycle planning/design course (or equivalent) or have sufficient previous work experience in cycle facility projects.
More course information... (PDF)
Course presenters
Presenters for recent courses were ViaStrada Directors Axel Wilke and Glen Koorey, and Principal Transport Engineer Megan Gregory. Axel is well-known in New Zealand for his expertise in sustainable transport and especially cycle planning and design. Glen oversees the current CNG development work for Waka Kotahi, has also presented the course many times in the past and was involved in its original development. Megan has published and presented several research and technical papers and has particular interest in road safety and sustainable transport.
The most recent courses are being co-presented with members of the Waka Kotahi Multi-modal Team, who provide additional expertise in both technical matters and Agency policy and procedures.
Please do not hesitate to contact Glen (027 739 6905) if you have any enquiries about course content or about whether the course is appropriate for you.
It is recommended that all participants should complete a half-hour on-road cycle trip (about 10km) in an urban area no more than a month before the course.
Previous courses (2019-23)
Throughout 2019, ViaStrada and NZTA delivered introductory Cycle planning and design courses in Wellington (Feb, Apr), Hamilton (Mar, Apr), Christchurch (May) and Auckland (Jun). Covid lockdowns in 2020-22 necessitated a temporary halt and switch to online webinar training. Another series of introductory courses were completed around NZ in 2023 (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington & Christchurch)
Interactive Advanced cycle intersection design workshops (previously held in Auckland in Mar 2018 and Christchurch in Oct 2017) were held in Wellington in Jul 2019 and Hamilton in Sep 2019. Another two advanced courses were held in 2023 in Auckland and Christchurch.
Further courses in 2024-25 will be offered, subject to demand - contact [email protected] if you are interested in attending a course near you.
We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in attending courses in cycle planning & design or an advanced interactive intersection design workshop. To express interest in these offerings, please contact Glen Koorey, indicating your preference for training type and preferred location(s).