Publications & presentations

We carry out transport research, think-pieces and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present to the industry (including many award-winning papers). Below are links to our latest published work:

  • Cyclists at roundabouts

    Presented at the 2001 NZ Cycling Conference, the author believes that the research will enable to judge more accurately the impact of different types of roundabouts on the safety of cyclists, but also on other road users. It is hoped that definite recommendations can be made with regards to safer roundabout design. As a result, road-controlling authorities may have to apply more stringent checks before commissioning new multi-lane roundabouts. It is also possible that current design standards may have to be changed.

  • Road classification systems: Christchurch and Toronto

    This paper compares the functional road classification systems of Christchurch and Toronto. Both systems have local, collector, minor arterial and major arterial roads, but Toronto has expressways as well. The classification systems have a number of common criteria used to classify roads. In addition, each city has some requirements not used by the other.

    This paper makes a case for reviewing the country’s road classification systems and then reviewing the classification of individual streets, jurisdiction by jurisdiction, based on commonly-agreed criteria.

  • Cyclists at wide intersections: single detector loop

    This presentation gives an update on earlier research regarding Cyclists at Wide Intersections. A single detector loop is now used to overcome operational problems with the previous treatment.

  • Planning and engineering for cyclists

    The remit reports on a proposed technical training course that did not attract Transfund funding. The author will talk about the methodology that was developed, and will provide an overview of industry needs and support.

  • Dunedin one-way pair cycle lanes

    In September 2001, Andrew Macbeth (then based at MWH) presented a paper to the New Zealand Cycling Conference, based on a project commissioned by Transit New Zealand’s Dunedin office. The paper was presented jointly with Simon Underwood of Transit NZ.

  • How safe are roundabouts for cyclists?

    This article was published in TranSafe Issue 5 (Apr 2001). It concludes with the following paragraph:

  • 40 Years of Change

    In the interest of making this fascinating document on 40 Years of Change, Traffic and Planning 1959

  • Designing signalised intersections for cyclists

    A remit was presented at the 2000 Traffic Management Workshop, recommending a number of features to be employed for achieving cycle-friendly intersections.

  • The forgotten transport modes (NZ Cycling Conference)

    New Zealand transport practitioners seem to underestimate the potential of the transport modes walking, cycling and public transport and focus mainly on the private motor vehicle. This paper examines possible improvements for these ‘forgotten transport modes' based on European concepts that are applicable for New Zealand conditions.

  • Cycle lane performance: road safety effects

    Christchurch City Council has been following a programme of strategic implementation of cycle lanes. A point has been reached where it is essential to review the effectiveness of the various treatments in place. This paper looks at the effect that cycle lanes have on safety.