Publications & presentations

We carry out transport research, think-pieces and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present to the industry (including many award-winning papers). Below are links to our latest published work:

  • Forum poster

    Dunedin Cycling Forum

    As part of the consultation on the proposed South Dunedin cycle network, Dunedin City Council organised a Cycling Forum. Despite a very wet night, 100 people crammed into a conference room at Toitu to listen to eight speakers. ViaStrada's Axel Wilke presented on the rationale behind the network planning for South Dunedin.

  • Separators on Strickland Street

    Assessment of bicycle lane separators (TG)

    ViaStrada is carrying out research on bicycle lane separators for VicRoads.  Glen Koorey (University of Canterbury) reported on the research at the 2013 Transportation Conference in Dunedin. The research was carried out in two locations in Christchurch. In conclusion, implementing low-profile separators on existing roads has effects on road user behaviour. In the separated area, motor vehicles encroach less into the cycle lane.

  • Traffic calming street

    Assessing the environmental capacity of local residential streets

    Glen Koorey presented at the 2013 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Washington DC) on studies investigating whether a suitable maximum traffic volume on local streets could be identified. A residents' survey on four conventional "local" streets with varying traffic volumes in Christchurch found that those living next to higher volumes felt that their streets were busier, noisier, less safe and they tended to have less personal involvement and/or knowledge of their neighbours.

  • cycle lanes at roundabout

    Bicycle lanes at roundabouts

    ViaStrada and CDM Research have carried out research on bicycle lanes at roundabouts for Austroads that was first presented at the 2012 Bike Futures conference in Melbourne. In comparison to other intersection controls, roundabouts have shown to have lower crash rates for motorised vehicles. However, the risk for cyclists at these intersections is often greater, especially in the UK, New Zealand and Australia, and there is conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of cycle lanes at roundabouts.

  • Separator

    Assessment of bicycle lane separators

    ViaStrada is carrying out research on bicycle lane separators for VicRoads. Axel Wilke presented on progress at the 2012 Bike Futures Conference in Melbourne. Wide separators had previously been trialled in Victoria, Australia, but this research looked at narrower separators, where there is insufficient space for the wider option.

  • cycle lanes at roundabout

    Bicycle lanes at roundabouts

    ViaStrada and CDM Research are carrying out research on bicycle lanes at roundabouts for Austroads. At the 2011 Bike Futures Conference, Tony Barton gave a presentation "Providing for Cyclists at Roundabouts - Integrate or Separate?". The presentation given by Axel Wilke at the 2012 Bike Futures Conference built on Tony's presentation, and gives the research team's preliminary findings, based on a review of relevant literature, fieldwork and crash analysis.

  • Poster

    An illustrated lexicon of cycle facilities

    This technical note and poster proposes a glossary of cycling facility terms with the aim of reducing confusion amongst practitioners. It was presented at the 2 Walk and Cycle conference in Hastings, New Zealand in February 2012.

  • Damaged building

    Delivering a new 'main street'

    For the Kaiapoi Town Centre project, a Reference Group of community representatives was established to work alongside the design team and council staff. The group was made up of about a dozen people representing business, mobility impaired users, schools, emergency services and residents.
    We worked hard at four workshops held over three months to deliver the desired street plan and associated transport changes. This paper outlines how the group was formed and interacted, the key issues that arose and the process of selecting the final plan that found support from the group.

  • Counting poster

    Development of an automatic cycle counting programme for Hamilton City

    Following on from the 2008 NZTA funded investigation by ViaStrada into methods of continuous cycle counting, this conference paper summarises the literature on the latest methods, count durations, how many sites are needed, and where they should be placed to gain a representative sample of the cycling levels throughout a given network.

  • Wellington the golden mile

    Wellington's Central City bus corridors: safe system approach

    ViaStrada's Andrew Macbeth and John Lieswyn reviewed the Golden Mile corridor using the Safe Systems Approach, and controversially suggest a people and place focus ahead of vehicular movement.