Publications & presentations

We carry out transport research, think-pieces and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present to the industry (including many award-winning papers). Below are links to our latest published work:

  • Footpath being blocked by car

    Blind driveways

    In early 2020, Waka Kotahi (the NZ Transport Agency) consulted on a proposal to allow cycling on footpaths for everyone. Yet district plans allow for driveways to be built without any visibility of a pathway or its users. So how can drivers give way to footpath users when they can't see them? This presentation and a supporting paper explore why we do this, and what we should do instead.

  • Cyclist traffic signal with greenlight

    Directional cycle signals (SNUG 2021)

    A formal trial for directional cycle signals was completed in 2019 based on sites in Auckland and Christchurch. This presentation at the 2021 SNUG workshop gave an update that the required rule changes have not been undertaken yet. It also highlights some issues that designers and operators need to be aware of.

  • Map of tram trains for Christchurch

    Supercharging Urban Development in Ōtautahi Christchurch

    Te Pūtahi, the Christchurch centre for architecture and city-making, organised an event to introduce the new requirements and tools enacted by the new National Policy Statement on Urban Development. Axel Downard-Wilke was nominated by the Transportation Group to throw light on the transportation implications and how to make a denser city accessible for all.

  • Pass safely signage

    Cycling and the law: Road Rules around biking

    As part of the Biketober Christchurch transport seminar series during Oct 2020, Glen Koorey gave a public presentation and chat introducing some of the basics of transport law as it relates to biking in NZ.

  • Ribbon cutting ceremony

    Christchurch cycling history

    For Biketober 2020, Axel prepared a potted 21st century history of cycling in Christchurch titled "From moratorium to major cycle routes". The talk discussed which individuals had a major impact on what did happen in Christchurch, and what was prevented from happening.

  • Students walking cartoon graphic

    Conceptual framework for modelling safe walking and cycling routes to high schools

    This article presents a comprehensive conceptual framework for modelling safe walking and cycling routes to school for adolescents. The framework has been developed based on several existing relevant frameworks. The framework identifies built environment features and traffic safety factors to consider when modelling safe walking/cycling routes to secondary schools.

  • Braille marking steps and destination

    Walk21 reflections

    The 2019 Walk21 conference was held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. New Zealand was represented by John Lieswyn of ViaStrada and Gerry Dance of the NZ Transport Agency. John presented on encouraging walking to school. At the 2020 Transportation Conference in Christchurch, John revealed highlights from the Walk21 conference deemed most applicable to the New Zealand context.

  • Urban cycling network masterplan cover for Palmerston North

    Palmerston North urban cycle network plan

    Palmerston North once had the highest rate of cycling to work (as measured by the census) in New Zealand, but in recent years the number of cycling trips has been declining. With a goal to "have the most active community in New Zealand", elected members directed staff to develop a masterplan that would set a long-term direction as well as inform a $2.9M investment in the near term. The final plan highlights four main challenges to implementation. These are not just technical problems to be quantified by economists and solved by engineers.

  • Travel times

    Does speed greatly affect travel time?

    Lower speeds are one of the fundamental ways to improve road safety outcomes in New Zealand and to provide more equity and access to a wider range of safe travel choices. One of the most common arguments stated against lower speed limits is the effect on travel times. This presentation by Glen at the 2020 Transportation Conference answers the question whether speeds greatly affect travel time.

  • Shuttle vs zone map

    Zone 0

    Visitors and residents alike loved the free central city Shuttle. It was introduced in 1998 and ceased operating with the February 2011 earthquake. Shall we have it back? Well, many reports later, it doesn't seem to be happening. This presentation by Axel at the 2020 Transportation Conference explores an alternative proposal of making all buses within the central city free. It explains why this isn't just significantly cheaper and provides people with a better level of service, but how it could also reverse a decline in patronage that is evident since 2014.