Publications & presentations

We carry out transport research, think-pieces and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present to the industry (including many award-winning papers). Below are links to our latest published work:

  • Uber car

    Moving on from the almighty car: Future transport in Christchurch

    ViaStrada's Glen Koorey was interviewed by The Press as part of an article in Aug 2017 about future changes to Christchurch's transport patterns. Glen identified "Mobility as a Service" (MaaS) and vehicle sharing services as key things that will change the way we move around in the years to come...

  • Ferry Road cycleway option 1

    Ferry Road MCR

    Axel Wilke addressed the Christchurch Infrastructure, Transport and Environment (ITE) Committee in June 2017 about options under consideration for the Ferry Road major cycle route (MCR) between Fitzgerald Avenue and Wilsons Road.

  • Various urban areas

    Urban Design & Transportation – the case for greater collaboration

    This interactive presentation involved giving words to participants to evoke what things people think about when considering the public street.

  • Contraflow street in France

    Developing options for contraflow cycleways

    Auckland Transport commissioned ViaStrada to investigate some options for providing contraflow cycling on three suburban one-way streets, as well as reviewing the design for another central city contra-flow route. In the absence of current design guidance or practical examples for New Zealand, a “first principles” approach was taken to consider all possible ways to provide for contra-flow cycling on the streets in question.

  • 80 km/hour speed sign

    Changing rural speed limits

    Glen Koorey presented 'Changing Rural Speed Limits - Learning from the Past' at the 2017 IPENZ Transportation Group Conference. The paper, co-authored by Bill Frith of OPUS, was Highly Commended (runner-up) for Best Research Paper.

  • New york

    Bikes 'n' Lights in North America

    This paper looks at ways of addressing conflict between people on bikes and motor vehicles at signalised intersections that have separated cycleways on their approaches. Megan undertook a background literature review and visited seven cities in North America as part of a study tour. She investigated relevant sites with a variety of different treatments and spoke to people involved in the planning, design and operation of those sites.

  • Straight and left turning lane

    Review of Road User Rules for people walking and cycling

    The NZ Transport Agency engaged MWH and ViaStrada to investigate options for amendments to several give-way related road user rules. Our report was published on the Transport Agency website in February 2017. Follow up work with regards to drafting some of the Road User Rule amendments is underway.

  • Vancouver Street

    Neighbourhood Greenways workshop presentations

    Glen Koorey gave two presentations at the Neighborhood Greenways workshop held in Washington DC, US, as part of the 2017 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting. This workshop was convened to explore the state of research and practice for neighbourhood greenways in North America and the world, and to identify priorities for future research and project development.

  • 90 km/h speed sign

    Making the case for lower speeds: tackling the concerns

    Glen Koorey gave a presentation at the 2016 TRAFINZ Conference that provides an overview of the arguments for lower speeds in New Zealand, including the effects on safety, amenity, and encouragement of active modes. It also addresses some of the common objections and concerns voiced by some parties, including: "Lower speed limits alone won't change traffic speeds", "The real safety problem is poor drivers and poor roads", "The public in New Zealand don't want lower speeds", etc.

  • Cycle crossings

    Everybody wins with cycleways – delivering cycleways in Christchurch

    Gemma demonstrated the planning and design methods employed by a multi-disciplinary team to deliver 13 major cycleways.