
Design & safety

Planning, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

  • ViaStrada has provided technical assistance to the Christchurch City Council with respect to its review of transport-related provisions in the Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula Proposed District Plans, in preparation for their combined review. The review also included an investigation into how the Plans can assist in the delivery of the Greater Christchurch Travel Demand Management Strategy (GCTDMS) goals.

Traffic Engineering, Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Cycle planning & design, Design & safety, Training & guidelines

  • The Hamilton City Council commissioned ViaStrada to undertake a review of physical barriers to cycling in the Hamilton central city, as well as identification of current and potential cycle routes.

    Project Background

    Based upon the Hamilton Cycle Network Strategy Report (1999), Hamilton City Council has embarked on a ten-year programme to construct a city-wide cycle network.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

  • The Melbourne office of SKM engaged ViaStrada to peer review its draft report Green Lights for Bikes, a report on how road authorities can use a range of techniques to provide for bike riders at traffic lights. SKM's client for the report was Bicycle Victoria. ViaStrada provided several additional examples of techniques for this report.

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Intersections, Design & safety

  • As part of the Westfield expansion of Riccarton Mall, the intersection of Clarence Street and Dilworth Street was converted from a give way intersection to traffic signals. ViaStrada was commissioned by Westfield to design the new layout, undertake the community consultation and prepare final design plans for construction. Finalising the layout required working closely with the Christchurch City Council, the traffic signals contractor and the client.

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Design & safety

  • Jeanette, Megan and Andrew have recently undertaken feasibility assessments of seven walking and cycling infrastructure projects for Selwyn District Council.  The projects included six shared off-road paths and opportunities to improve the Leeston Road bridge.  We developed scheme plans for each of the projects and used these to estimate costs of construction and maintenance.  We also predicted the demand for the facilities and calculated the value of expected benefits.

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Walking & cycling facilities

  • Auckland City Council (ACC) engaged ViaStrada to undertake a comprehensive cycling review for the "Learning Quarter", the campus area of the University of Auckland and the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), in the Auckland CBD.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Training and Research, Research, Walking & cycling facilities

  • ViaStrada has undertaken significant research and tool development on behalf of VicRoads (Victoria, Australia) to determine appropriate shared use path widths based on user volume characteristics.

Traffic Engineering, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Walking & cycling facilities

  • Cycle lanes had been approved by North Shore City Council (NSCC) for installation on Lake Road between Esmonde Road and Hauraki Road, a distance of about 600 m.  ViaStrada developed and reviewed alternative options for accommodating cyclists on this 23 m road corridor carrying four lanes of traffic.