
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Strategies & masterplans

Traffic Engineering Standards, Safety audits & reviews, Urban street design

  • Christchurch City Council has an extensive Construction Standards Specification (CSS) document. ViaStrada staff were engaged to lead a team of Council officers through the development of a new standard detail for intersection thresholds.

    A little bit of effort invested into these standard details will subsequently save valuable time on individual intersection designs. The CCC team was impressed and the next standard will be tackled soon.

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Cycle planning & design, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Business cases, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans

  • MWH New Zealand Ltd (Christchurch) and ViaStrada evaluated five different potential cycle network models. ARTA’s British expert peer reviewer thought that our GIS-based methodology, using Auckland demographic data and existing transport models, was pretty clever.

    End result – a clear idea of how to develop the regional cycling network (and a happy client!).

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Development traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Development traffic engineering, Safety audits & reviews

  • Invercargill City Council is faced with some challenging traffic engineering at this rural intersection. ViaStrada was commissioned to confirm their conceptual design. We identified some areas that will need specialist input during the detailed design phase.

    We enjoy working with local authorities, adding our specialist knowledge to their teams and mentoring their staff.

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

  • ViaStrada has assisted MWH Hamilton with reviewing a proposed signalised T intersection in Hamilton. The client wanted us to identify potential cost savings. We developed variations on a broad concept which enhanced safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists and could save the client $100,000 to $150,000.

    A recommendation for bus activated signal priority was also well received by the client. Talk about adding value to the project!

Traffic Engineering, Intersections, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Development traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, Development traffic engineering, Design & safety

  • Local residents were concerned at the level of road safety along Swanns Road and at intersecting side roads. The project involved an examination of the safety concerns and an overall analysis of traffic volumes, speeds and crashes.