
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Development traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Traffic Engineering Standards, Walking & cycling facilities, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Intersections, Safety audits & reviews

Planning & policy

Planning, Research, Strategies & masterplans

Planning, Strategies & masterplans

Planning, Cycle planning & design, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans

  • The Hastings walking and cycling initiatives have inspired the community and made positive differences for not just transport, but for tourism, recreation, health and the local economy. The draft strategy "Beyond iWay - Hastings Walking and Cycling Strategy to 2022" outlines an ambitious yet achievable programme to continue investment in walking and cycling over the next ten years.

Planning, Legislation, regulations, evidence, Planning & policy

  • The Selwyn District Council (SDC) proposes to revise the District Plan's transport provisions to ensure they reflect the strategic direction of Council. Recent updates and amendments to national and regional policy documents will also be reviewed. The Plan Change is also influenced by other factors:

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans

  • ViaStrada assisted CCC staff with analysis and planning for future rapid public transport (PT) corridors to stimulate land development and improve access for Christchurch. This could include conventional bus services, bus priority measures, busways, light rail and heavy rail. We helped review options for rapid PT services to various suburbs and provided advice on potential central city PT modes, routes and station locations.

Planning, Research, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans


    The project summary which follows describes a recommended cycle network which will likely require amendment post the Christchurch earthquakes, and will also need to be approved as part of the larger Christchurch Transport Plan.  It does not represent adopted council policy.

    Overview and Background

    Stage 1 (completed in 2009) involved mapping the existing cycle lane and shared path networks.  The deliverable from stage 1 was a GIS map of the data collected.

Planning, Planning & policy

  • Did you know that the Christchurch City Plan requires resource consent for any new outdoor advertising on buildings that adjoin Important Open Spaces, such as Cathedral Square, the Avon River, Latimer Square, Victoria Square, Worcester Street, Cashel Mall and various other parts of the CBD?

Planning, Planning & policy

  • ViaStrada recently obtained resource consent for a 36m2 advertising billboard at Westfield Riccarton. Our involvment included the preparation of the initial resource consent application, preparation of expert evidence and attendance at a Council hearing.

    We continue to be involved in a range of resource consent applications for outdoor advertising - including tenant and billboard signage. For further information about this project, contact Jeremy Phillips on (03) 943 0830, or our office now.

Training & guidelines

Traffic Engineering Standards, Safety audits & reviews, Urban street design

  • Christchurch City Council has an extensive Construction Standards Specification (CSS) document. ViaStrada staff were engaged to lead a team of Council officers through the development of a new standard detail for intersection thresholds.

    A little bit of effort invested into these standard details will subsequently save valuable time on individual intersection designs. The CCC team was impressed and the next standard will be tackled soon.

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Cycle planning & design, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans

Traffic Engineering Standards, Cycle planning & design

  • This project filled a big hole in New Zealand at the time. Austroads guidance was not always appropriate for New Zealand, and we have different road signs and markings. Practitioners needed local advice on how to design and implement cycle facilities. Transit (now NZTA) put up its hand in the national interest and agreed to fund the project.

Traffic Engineering, Research, Intersections, Urban street design

Research & trials

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Research, School & workplace travel

  • ViaStrada undertook research both domestically and overseas to produce a major discussion document for the New Zealand Transport Agency.

    The "think-piece" looks at ways of optimising New Zealand's road transport network. Seven themes are explored through a literature review, five overseas case studies and 30 New Zealand "best-practice" examples.  The themes are:

Training and Research, Research, Strategies & masterplans

  • ViaStrada researched continuous cycle counting technology for the New Zealand Transport Agency. By "continuous" we mean counts of a few months duration or longer. Shorter-term counts (days or weeks) are probably best done by conventional rubber tube cycle counters, although this decision may best be made based on value for money of the various options. The aim is to provide road controlling authorities and others in New Zealand with information on the effectiveness and availability of these tools.

Training and Research, Research, Research & trials

  • This project consisted of two components:

    • an internet-based survey of road controlling authorities (RCAs) and regional councils about their experience and interest in counting cycle traffic, either manually or automatically, and
    • a literature review of traffic-counting technology able to detect and monitor cycle traffic on a continuous basis.

    The survey of councils and Transit offices found that:

    About half of the RCAs and regional councils that responded to the survey have counted cycle traffic in recent years:

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Research & trials

  • This study built on previous work by ViaStrada with assistance at different stages by Beca and MWH. The premise is that a cycle route provides a certain level of service to potential users if it lies within a certain distance of them, whether they be residents at their homes, school or university students at their schools or people at work. Cycle routes should be provided first in areas of highest "demographic density" to achieve the "best bang for the buck".

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Cycle planning & design

  • ViaStrada was engaged by ARTA to develop a tool to convert short-term manual cycle counts to "annual average daily traffic" (AADT) estimates of cycle traffic. The methodology used standard pneumatic traffic counters with softer than normal rubber road tubes for detecting cycles.

    Cycle traffic was counted at five sites around Auckland, with counts undertaken continuously for up to two weeks. In addition, manual counts commissioned by ARTA and undertaken by Gravitas during March 2007 were used to verify the reliability of the automatic counts and to help develop the tool.

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Research

  • Within the 4 Avenues (Central City) of Christchurch there are a considerable number of loading zones and short term parking restrictions. The City Council receives numerous requests for new loading zones, removal and alterations to existing loading zones. A comprehensive review was required so that the Council can make informed decisions.

Training and Research, Research

  • A University of Canterbury research team (Susan Krumdieck, Andre Dantas and Shannon Page) commissioned Traffix (now ViaStrada) for the peer review phase of their LTNZ research project. The topic is fascinating – researching the interaction between energy risk (i.e. oil supply) and urban form.

    An interesting read for the Traffix team and a client with lots of valuable feedback. That’s what’s called "win – win".

    The work has been published as Research Report 311 by Land Transport NZ.

Traffic Engineering, Research, Intersections, Urban street design