
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Development traffic engineering, Design & safety

  • ViaStrada designed the internal roads for Nazareth House, a retirement village and healthcare complex in the Christchurch suburb of Sydenham.

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

  • ViaStrada was engaged to develop the first package of concepts and scheme designs for the South Dunedin Cycle Network, providing cycle facilities with community connections that will link to a wider network suitable for cyclists of all ages and abilities.

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Walking & cycling facilities, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design

Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans, Planning & policy

  • Walking and cycling are popular forms of recreation within the Taupo District due to the many events, temperate climate, and mostly gentle topography. Events encourage locals to take up cycling or walking as a sport or recreational activity and are important generators of business and tourism.  However, most transportation is done by car.  A strategy which sets the Council's strategic direction for recreation, tourism and transport is considered a key planning document to assist in achieving a "Walking and Cycling Friendly District".

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans

Planning, Strategies & masterplans

  • Tony Quickfall has successfully obtained resource consents for a number of projects in Kaikoura, including a 22 lot residential subdivision, motel extension, and a concrete plant combined with a landscape supplies business. 

    He is currently working on obtaining resource consents for a comprehensive housing development of 9 units on Scarborough Street. 

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans

  • ViaStrada has assisted in the development of Kaikoura's first walking and cycling strategy. The strategy was developed with a series of three stakeholder meetings, facilitated by Megan Fowler. The stakeholder group consisted of members from the Kaikoura District Council (both officers and councillors), NZTA, OnTrack, DOC, CCS Disability Action, Te Runanga o Kaikoura, Te Tai o Marokura, Tasman Regional Sports Trust, Canterbury DHB, Environment Canterbury, NZ Police and the Kaikoura Youth Council.

Training and Research, Cycle planning & design, Pedestrian planning & design, Strategies & masterplans

  • Walking and cycling strategies are useful tools that aid councils in providing for pedestrians and cyclists. In 2005, earlier research found that 36 strategies were held by 30 different councils throughout New Zealand. A stocktake of all current walking and cycling strategies was undertaken. This revealed that there are now 61 strategies prepared by 55 different councils (out of 85).

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Research, School & workplace travel

  • ViaStrada undertook research both domestically and overseas to produce a major discussion document for the New Zealand Transport Agency.

    The "think-piece" looks at ways of optimising New Zealand's road transport network. Seven themes are explored through a literature review, five overseas case studies and 30 New Zealand "best-practice" examples.  The themes are:

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, School & workplace travel, Strategies & masterplans

  • The Waimakariri District Council (WDC) commissioned ViaStrada to undertake a high level assessment of the possible western bypass options for Woodend and in particular to determine whether the conclusion reached by Transit, to eliminate further consideration of the full western options, was sound.

    The need for the assessment had arisen from the Council expressing concern, that the four options Transit New Zealand presented to the community in July 2007 are not the only viable options.

Training and Research, Research, Strategies & masterplans

  • ViaStrada researched continuous cycle counting technology for the New Zealand Transport Agency. By "continuous" we mean counts of a few months duration or longer. Shorter-term counts (days or weeks) are probably best done by conventional rubber tube cycle counters, although this decision may best be made based on value for money of the various options. The aim is to provide road controlling authorities and others in New Zealand with information on the effectiveness and availability of these tools.