
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Research, Intersections, Urban street design

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Design & safety

  • Andrew Macbeth (then working for MWH New Zealand Ltd) was hired to develop a concept for Creyke Rd, one of the boundary streets for the University of Canterbury.

    This project showed that a conventional minor arterial road in a busy urban environment could be transformed to better accommodate pedestrians and cyclists, without reducing functionality for cars. The environment on Creyke Rd was changed from a "car" place to more of a "people" place. Initial indications are that road safety has been significantly enhanced.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Concept & scheme design, Strategies & masterplans

  • The project was to provide real intersection and midblock layouts that practitioners could use to design and implement vision impaired ‘user friendly' facilities. LTSA (now NZTA) recognised that many vision impaired standards used ‘simple' or 'ideal' situations that could not be replicated in most design situations.