
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Training and Research, Concept & scheme design, Research, Traffic control device (TCD) trials

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Training and Research, Research, Development traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Research, Development traffic engineering, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Planning, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

  • Like many smaller urban areas of New Zealand, preserving and enhancing walkability in the historic town centre of Greymouth is a challenging prospect when car accessibility is a parallel and often conflicting key objective.

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews

  • ViaStrada was commissioned by Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) to peer review the concept plans of proposed changes to Walding Street, an arterial road that forms part of the city's ring road system. The project's objective was to improve safety and efficiency of the ring road for all users.

    This desktop review was based on concept plans that PNCC had prepared. The review identified issues or concerns regarding the concept plan design and included possible alternatives. Indicative sketches were included where necessary to identify or clarify comments noted.

Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans, Planning & policy

  • Environment Bay of Plenty asked a number of consultants to bid on the development of a regional walking and cycling strategy in September 2007. We won the tender and have since held three intensive stakeholder meetings to refine the strategy. Participation included all six district councils, Land Transport NZ, Transit NZ, two district health boards, the police, Sport BOP and a local cycling advocacy group, Cycle Aware Tauranga.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Legislation, regulations, evidence, Planning & policy

  • Should cyclists be allowed to ride across zebra crossings? When you've got a tricky question like this, who do you ask for sound and reasoned advice? VicRoads, the state roading authority for Victoria, based in Melbourne, sought the answer from ViaStrada. We reviewed international literature and based on this, gave our professional opinion on the merits of cycling across zebra crossings, signalised mid-block crossings, and crosswalks at signalised intersection.

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Strategies & masterplans, Planning & policy

  • Bike path users in Melbourne can often find it difficult to find their way around on the many off-road paths around the city. Hence, a review of the adequacy of signposting was required.

    The trouble was, VicRoads staff never got lost; they knew their way around. So Christchurch-based ViaStrada was called in. If a foreigner could find his way around, the signposting would be fine. Or maybe the theory was that if a Kiwi bloke could navigate the routes, then a normal Melburnian would have no problems.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Legislation, regulations, evidence, Planning & policy

  • A discussion paper on a proposed national road classification system (NRCS) or road hierarchy was prepared in mid July 2003 by Andrew Macbeth (at that stage, working for MWH New Zealand Ltd) with input on drafts from Transfund NZ and Transit NZ. The discussion paper was distributed to all road controlling authorities and other interested parties. Recipients were advised of the project, invited to respond to a survey about the proposed NRCS and invited to attend one of a series of five workshops held throughout New Zealand to discuss the proposed NRCS.

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Public transport, Public transport planning

Traffic Engineering, Speed management, Planning & policy

  • Recent development of residential subdivisions in the north west of the city has resulted in a substantial increase in traffic activity on a number of roads in the area. The increased activity has not been limited to vehicular traffic but it is evident that pedestrian and cycle activity has also increased. Previously many of the roads experienced very little traffic activity.

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Concept & scheme design, Cycle planning & design, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Business cases, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans

  • MWH New Zealand Ltd (Christchurch) and ViaStrada evaluated five different potential cycle network models. ARTA’s British expert peer reviewer thought that our GIS-based methodology, using Auckland demographic data and existing transport models, was pretty clever.

    End result – a clear idea of how to develop the regional cycling network (and a happy client!).

Traffic Engineering Standards, Concept & scheme design, Strategies & masterplans

  • The project was to provide real intersection and midblock layouts that practitioners could use to design and implement vision impaired ‘user friendly' facilities. LTSA (now NZTA) recognised that many vision impaired standards used ‘simple' or 'ideal' situations that could not be replicated in most design situations.