How do we sell the benefits of lower speeds? (2W&C 2024) |
Does road-space reallocation affect network VKT? |
How do we make cycle-friendly cities? |
Has Cycling Safety in New Zealand improved? |
How do we sell the Benefits of Lower Speeds? |
How do we measure Harm in Transport? (TG2023) |
Implications from the study of Road Transport Accident Costs |
How do we measure Harm in Land Transport? (ARSC) |
Research note 006: Infrastructure for quick-build cycleways |
Hidden Harm: Walking Injuries in Auckland |
Pathways for chartered transportation professionals in NZ |
Cycling Network Guidance updates |
NZAA: Speed Management & Cycle Planning/Design |
Colour my world: safe, sensible surfaces |
Cycling and the law: Road Rules around biking |
Does speed greatly affect travel time? |
Cycling Infrastructure: If you build it, will they come? (and will they be safe?) |
Who should control Mobility as a Service? |
Mechanics and politics of changing a speed limit |
Has the Christchurch Central City 30km/h zone worked? |