Strategies & masterplans

ViaStrada wrote the book on walking and cycling strategies and produced many of the first iterations for councils across New Zealand. Today’s strategies are anchored by buildable concept designs and informed by robust public, iwi and stakeholder engagement. We are specialists in multi-criteria analysis and the only provider of the ActiveTrans Priority Tool (APT). Our prioritisation frameworks are presented in web map form for easy interpretation by clients during development and the public as end readers. Our in-house information designer produces concise and interesting to read documents, and we have experience working with council communications and graphic design staff.

Relevant Projects

  • Palmerston North urban cycling network masterplan

    Palmerston North City Council plans to invest $2.9M in urban cycleways over the 19/20 and 20/21 financial years. ViaStrada has developed a public facing, graphically rich masterplan to help guide that investment – including a range of cycleways and supporting education and encouragement activity recommendations.

    PNCC website link

    The work included the development of an interactive online map.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Napier central city cycling access

    To give effect to one of the six City Vision principles – “Pedal Power” – ViaStrada was commissioned to develop recommendations on how to better provide for cycling access to and within the central city. The proposals included road diets (road space reallocation), “two-minus-one” lane layouts, contra-flow cycle lanes, buffered cycle lanes, speed limit reductions, and minor parking management changes.


    Key Contact: Glen Koorey
  • NSW Fatigue-related rural road crashes & solutions

    Transport for New South Wales commissioned ViaStrada to create a benefit cost analysis tool that assesses measures that prevent fatigue-related road crashes. Based on this tool, ViaStrada also assisted with the preparation of presentation material to make the case for investment in safety measures to address driver fatigue, including tactile line-markings, safety barriers, and rest areas.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Palmerston North bridge assessment

    During 2014, ViaStrada investigated a network of connected shared paths on the southern side (left bank) of the Manawatu River in Palmerston North and the preliminary location of a new pedestrian cycle bridge across the Manawatu River.

    Key Contact: Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Passing lane and overtaking opportunities

    The top of the South Island generally has rugged terrain, with winding roads resulting in poor sight distances and little flat land on either side of the state highways. The region’s state highway network crosses many streams and rivers where bridge and culvert structures restrict opportunities for the carriageway (lanes and sealed shoulder) to be widened.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd
  • Dunedin cycleway network development

    South Dunedin Strategic Cycle Network (Jan 2012 – Jan 2013) included planning and engineering for six routes delivered as a package, with endorsement from the NZ Transport Agency.
    Central City Planning and Design (Mar–May 2013) provided advice on a wide range of issues including ways to achieve ‘quick wins’ to build support for cycleways (‘social license to operate’), strategic cycleway planning and scheme designs to inform the city’s strategic business case, and general traffic engineering.

    Key Contact: Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Hastings Walking and Cycling Strategy: beyond iWay

    The Hastings walking and cycling initiatives have inspired the community and made positive differences for not just transport, but for tourism, recreation, health and the local economy. The draft strategy "Beyond iWay - Hastings Walking and Cycling Strategy to 2022" outlines an ambitious yet achievable programme to continue investment in walking and cycling over the next ten years.

    Key Contact: Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Public transport for Christchurch rebuild

    ViaStrada assisted CCC staff with analysis and planning for future rapid public transport (PT) corridors to stimulate land development and improve access for Christchurch. This could include conventional bus services, bus priority measures, busways, light rail and heavy rail. We helped review options for rapid PT services to various suburbs and provided advice on potential central city PT modes, routes and station locations.

    Key Contact: Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Safe Routes to School evaluation

    ViaStrada conducted an analysis of reported vehicle/pedestrian and vehicle/bicyclist crash data for the five years prior and three years post improvements at schools across the Auckland region.
    Treatments included safe routes to school educational programmes (141 treatment and control sites) and 40 km/h reduced speed limits (90 treatment and control sites).  

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Christchurch cycle network plan


    The project summary which follows describes a recommended cycle network which will likely require amendment post the Christchurch earthquakes, and will also need to be approved as part of the larger Christchurch Transport Plan.  It does not represent adopted council policy.

    Overview and Background

    Stage 1 (completed in 2009) involved mapping the existing cycle lane and shared path networks.  The deliverable from stage 1 was a GIS map of the data collected.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd