Publications & presentations

We carry out transport research, think-pieces and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present to the industry (including many award-winning papers). Below are links to our latest published work:

  • quick build definitions graphic

    Research note 006: Infrastructure for quick-build cycleways

    This research note provides information about the best infrastructure options for installing quick-build (interim) separated cycleways to increase safety and encourage mode shift in a visually, physically, and aesthetically consistent manner on a national scale. It provides a review of international practice and lists some of the domestic approaches. Although focused on the infrastructure, this note also highlights some of the process barriers to quick delivery.

  • Bus lane in Berlin

    Road space reallocation: evidence and learnings

    In many countries, road space is often allocated primarily for motor vehicles. The negative health and well-being externalities of such an allocation are known: social severance and alienation, diseases from sedentary lifestyles and pollution, deaths and serious injuries from motor vehicle crashes. For the past two decades, a movement to reallocate space for other uses (walking, cycling, public transport, and public space) has steadily grown – but not without strong pushback from some parts of the community.

  • Christchurch bus

    Why universal half-price public transport shouldn’t be made permanent

    This opinion piece written for The Spinoff by Axel Downard-Wilke and published on 16 May 2022 explains why funding could be better spent on what's most important to public transportation users: speed and reliability.

  • MoH injury data" data-entity-type

    Hidden Harm: Walking Injuries in Auckland

    Glen Koorey presented a poster at the 2021 Transport Knowledge Conference summarising recent work looking at pedestrian deaths and serious injuries in Auckland. Using data from the Ministry of Health hospitalisations, over 700 serious pedestrian injuries a year were identified, most of which are from trips and falls that do not involve a motor vehicle. This is much greater than the injuries reported by the Crash Analysis System, which focuses on motor vehicle incidents.

  • Elderly people walking

    Age friendly Ōtautahi

    Gemma participated in the Age friendly Ōtautahi workshop organised by the Transportation Group and others. She presented 8 slides in 8 minutes on age-friendly transport.

  • Graph showing responses

    Pathways for chartered transportation professionals in NZ

    The transportation profession incorporates people with diverse backgrounds and education, and this enriches our community, yet many don’t have a clear way forward for professional development and recognition of who they are or what they do. The industry should be able to certify, encourage, build capability and mana for people right across the spectrum of expertise yet the current pathways for professional recognition are not supportive and inclusive of non-traditional engineers and planners.

  • Separated cycleway

    Cycling Network Guidance updates

    This poster presentation gives an overview of amendments to the Cycling network guidance (CNG) that have been published since January 2020.

  • AA logo

    NZAA: Speed Management & Cycle Planning/Design

    Glen Koorey gave a presentation discussing some aspects of speed management and cycle planning/design practices in NZ to a Canterbury/Westland District Council meeting of the Automobile Association in March 2021.

  • Catchment area map

    Pedestrian network guidance (2WALKandCYCLE)

    The Pedestrian Network Guidance (PNG) is going online soon, as an update of the ground-breaking Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide (PPDG) published by Land Transport New Zealand in 2007.

    The first introductory section of the new PNG is titled "Walking in New Zealand" and sets the scene for the rest of the guidance. It contains much more information than the PPDG did, in part because the new online-online format permits "rolling up" of detailed content and "hyperlinking" between sections to reduce duplication.

  • Coloured surface

    Colour my world: safe, sensible surfaces

    At the 2021 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Dunedin, Glen Koorey gave a presentation reviewing options for using different colours for surfaces of walking and cycling  facilities. The aim is to develop some standard industry guidance on what colours are appropriate for different situations and facilities.