All Publications & presentations

Date range
Title Authored on Author(s)
Every stop counts: PTDG and GIS applications in bus stop assessment Pim van den Top
Making traffic signals work for people cycling – update Axel Downard-Wilke
Making traffic signals work for people cycling – update Megan Gregory
Pedestrian and micro-mobility monitoring deployment in Northland John Lieswyn
Pedestrian and micro-mobility monitoring deployment in Northland Adam O'Connor
Far North Trails Plan – Te Mahere o te ara tawhiti ki te Raki Nick Reid
How do we sell the benefits of lower speeds? (2W&C 2024) Glen Koorey
Making traffic signals work for people cycling Axel Downard-Wilke
Making traffic signals work for people cycling Megan Gregory
Does road-space reallocation affect network VKT? Glen Koorey
How do we make cycle-friendly cities? Glen Koorey
Has Cycling Safety in New Zealand improved? Glen Koorey
How do we sell the Benefits of Lower Speeds? Glen Koorey
Countdown timers: time to counter? Megan Gregory
Separated cycleways and filter turning Megan Gregory
Separated cycleways and filter turning Axel Downard-Wilke
Stops and Goes of Traffic Signals – SNUG 2023 Axel Downard-Wilke
Bursting with Stride – Age Friendly Christchurch Nick Reid
Quantifying the economic impact of investing in pedestrian networks John Lieswyn
20/15/10/5 X-Minute Cities for sustainable urban design Nick Reid