All Publications & presentations

Date range
Title Authored on Author(s)
Zone 0 Axel Downard-Wilke
Cycling Infrastructure: If you build it, will they come? (and will they be safe?) Glen Koorey
Who should control Mobility as a Service? Glen Koorey
Turning the tide to active transport in NZ – key policy recommendations John Lieswyn
Directional cycle signals (Transportation Conference 2019) Megan Gregory
Directional cycle signals (Transportation Conference 2019) Axel Downard-Wilke
Directional cycle signals (Transportation Conference 2019) Steve Dejong
Mechanics and politics of changing a speed limit Glen Koorey
Voices on micro-mobility John Lieswyn
Evolving methods in school travel planning Fran Rose
Evolving methods in school travel planning John Lieswyn
Has the Christchurch Central City 30km/h zone worked? Glen Koorey
Dunedin Schools Cluster – a precinct approach to safety Glen Koorey
Dunedin Schools Cluster – a precinct approach to safety Hjarne Poulsen
Developing and implementing local speed management plans Glen Koorey
Filter turning at traffic signals across cycleways Megan Gregory
Filter turning at traffic signals across cycleways Axel Downard-Wilke
Directional cycle signals (SNUG 2018) Megan Gregory
Northern Arterial Axel Downard-Wilke
The future of transport will be MaaS-ive... Glen Koorey