Transport planning and policy

We undertake a wide range of transport planning and policy services, including This work also feeds into our industry training. Notable recent projects include:

ViaStrada was engaged by Hastings District Council to develop a concise walking and cycling strategy, a list of projects with rough order costs, project prioritisation system and package-level economic evaluation.

Reduced traffic speeds have been shown to improve central city liveability and street activity levels. This 2011 ViaStrada project suggested the boundaries, specific techniques, design concepts, and implementation steps needed to create a pedestrian-friendly "slow core" for Christchurch. A new 30km/h slow core has now been implemented in 2016, largely mirroring the area suggested by ViaStrada.

The Selwyn District Council (SDC) proposes to revise the District Plan's transport provisions to ensure they reflect the strategic direction of Council. Recent updates and amendments to national and regional policy documents will also be reviewed.

ViaStrada has been commissioned to review the Plan and prepare the resulting Plan Change.

This study focused on enhancing the walkability of the Greymouth Town Centre.  The comprehensive final report covered high level strategic planning through to detailed recommendations for site specific design investigations.


ViaStrada assisted CCC in reviewing options for rapid public transport services to various Christchurch suburbs and provided advice on central city PT modes, routes and station locations.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Auckland Transport to conduct a crash analysis of pedestrian and cyclist crashes for the five years prior and three years post improvements at schools across the Auckland region.

Christchurch City Council (CCC) as part of the Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP) process commissioned ViaStrada to develop a GIS based cycle network. The development focus was on creating a contiguous level 1 (novice riders) and level 2 route (basic traffic skills) network. This was to align with the Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP).

Did you know that the Christchurch City Plan requires Resource Consent for any new outdoor advertising on buildings that adjoin Important Open Spaces such as the Christchurch Cathedral Square?

ViaStrada has recently obtained Resource Consent for this type of development on the Grant Thornton building in Cathedral Square, which included assessments on the heritage and visual amenity effects of the proposed signage. Please contact our planning staff to discuss your next signage project.

ViaStrada obtained resource consent for the erection of a 36m2 advertising billboard at Westfield Riccarton. Our involvement included the preparation of the initial resource consent application, preparation of expert evidence and attendance at a Council hearing.


ViaStrada has provided transport planning advice to the Christchurch City Council with respect to the transport-related provisions in the Christchurch City Plan to support the Central City South Master Plan. The master plan was adopted by Council in May 2009 and established the main characteristics (desired outcomes) that Council is seeking to encourage for the precinct. The desired outcomes focus on achieving mixed use development (especially residential, commercial and retail land uses) with high levels of urban amenity, active street life and reducing the dominance of motor vehicles.