Transport planning and policy

We undertake a wide range of transport planning and policy services, including This work also feeds into our industry training. Notable recent projects include:

Under secondment to PNCC, ViaStrada's John Lieswyn led the review of the existing cycle network and development of a costed and prioritised list of corridor improvements.

Speed and volume graphicFor five schools in the central city, ViaStrada developed an area-wide plan for road safety improvements including options for the optimisation of on-street parking. The work include a full review of parking capacity, occupancy, speed and volume data.

ViaStrada undertook a city-wide cycling network evaluation (July 2018). Existing conditions auditing included video and ArcGIS data collector; development of concept plans and cross sections for five corridors including off-street pathways, neighbourhood greenways (quiet streets), and on-street cycleways. Minor crossing improvements were also identified and mapped.

The Palmerston North City Council has implemented Bikes in Schools at six local schools. As part of ongoing efforts to ensure continuous improvement, the Council commissioned ViaStrada to undertake an independent review of the programme. ViaStrada investigated selection, procurement and operation processes and made various recommendations for future schools added to the programme.

ViaStrada's John Lieswyn led the development of travel plans for nine primary and high schools within the Hastings District, and assisted the Hastings District Council with their own workplace travel plan. The project formed part of HDC's iWay programme, which aims to tackle declining rates of walking and cycling with carefully planned, sustained investment in walking and cycling.

Rule 2 at signalsThe NZ Transport Agency engaged ViaStrada to investigate options for amendments to several road user rules affecting walking and cycling, particularly near intersections, and then to prepare draft materials for implementing amended road user rule legislation for some of the rules investigated.

Transport for New South Wales commissioned ViaStrada to create a benefit-cost analysis tool that assesses measures that prevent fatigue-related road crashes. Based on this tool, ViaStrada also assisted with the preparation of presentation material to make the case for investment in safety measures to address driver fatigue.

During 2014, ViaStrada investigated a network of connected shared paths on the southern side (left bank) of the Manawatu River in Palmerston North and the preliminary location of a new pedestrian cycle bridge across the Manawatu River. The paths have since progressively been built, and the bridge opened in June 2019.

ViaStrada has been engaged to assess the recommendations of the previous studies and identify any additional locations where it may be possible to create passing opportunities in the top of the South Island without significant capital expense.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Dunedin City Council and NZTA to develop a cycling network for South Dunedin and the central city.