
Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Walking & cycling facilities

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Training and Research, Safety audits & reviews, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Research, Walking & cycling facilities, Design & safety, Research & trials

Traffic Engineering, Safety audits & reviews, Design & safety

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Walking & cycling facilities, Design & safety

Planning, Concept & scheme design, Speed management, Design & safety, Planning & policy

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Intersections, Walking & cycling facilities

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Intersections, Safety audits & reviews

Planning & policy

Planning, Speed management, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Speed management

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Speed management, Planning & policy

Planning, Planning & policy

Traffic Engineering, Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, School & workplace travel, Planning & policy

Planning, Concept & scheme design, Speed management, Design & safety, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Legislation, regulations, evidence, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, School & workplace travel, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, School & workplace travel, Planning & policy

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Business cases, Research, Strategies & masterplans

Training & guidelines

Traffic Engineering Standards, Research, Cycle planning & design, Urban street design, Training & guidelines, Research & trials

  • Since 1998, the Christchurch practice has been to apply red coloured surfacing in selected sections of cycle facilities to heighten the awareness of motorists and cyclists regarding the presence of these facilities, particularly at conflict points. However, apart from Waimakariri District, the rest of New Zealand uses green coloured surfacing for cycle facilities, as well as for bus lanes.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Cycle planning & design, Urban street design

  • NZTA commissioned ViaStrada to update more MOTSAM (Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings) material. Gone are all the old double limit lines, for example. Some of the more noteworthy amendments are:

Traffic Engineering, Presentations & lectures

Training and Research, Cycle planning & design, Pedestrian planning & design, Strategies & masterplans

  • Walking and cycling strategies are useful tools that aid councils in providing for pedestrians and cyclists. In 2005, earlier research found that 36 strategies were held by 30 different councils throughout New Zealand. A stocktake of all current walking and cycling strategies was undertaken. This revealed that there are now 61 strategies prepared by 55 different councils (out of 85).

Traffic Engineering Standards, Pedestrian planning & design

Traffic Engineering Standards, Cycle planning & design

  • Transit NZ (now NZTA) commissioned ViaStrada to update the cycling-related road marking content of the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM). In a parallel process, we were also assisting in a revision of the NZ Supplement to Austroads Part 14 Bicycles, the NZ cycling design manual (the revisions have now been published). We think the industry has been eagerly awaiting the outcome of these processes.

Training and Research, Presentations & lectures, Training & guidelines

  • ARRB Group (Melbourne) ran two-day workshops on "planning and developing walking and cycling strategies" in Australia and NZ. Andrew Macbeth teamed up with ARRB to develop content and deliver (with an ARRB co-presenter) the NZ workshops in Wellington and Christchurch.

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Cycle planning & design

  • ViaStrada was engaged by ARTA to develop a tool to convert short-term manual cycle counts to "annual average daily traffic" (AADT) estimates of cycle traffic. The methodology used standard pneumatic traffic counters with softer than normal rubber road tubes for detecting cycles.

    Cycle traffic was counted at five sites around Auckland, with counts undertaken continuously for up to two weeks. In addition, manual counts commissioned by ARTA and undertaken by Gravitas during March 2007 were used to verify the reliability of the automatic counts and to help develop the tool.

Training and Research, SIDRA modelling

Training and Research, Cycle planning & design

Research & trials

Traffic Engineering, Training and Research, Concept & scheme design, Research, Traffic control device (TCD) trials

Traffic Engineering, Training and Research, Research, Development traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, Concept & scheme design, Research, Development traffic engineering, Walking & cycling facilities

Planning, Research, Strategies & masterplans

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Walking & cycling facilities, Strategies & masterplans


    The project summary which follows describes a recommended cycle network which will likely require amendment post the Christchurch earthquakes, and will also need to be approved as part of the larger Christchurch Transport Plan.  It does not represent adopted council policy.

    Overview and Background

    Stage 1 (completed in 2009) involved mapping the existing cycle lane and shared path networks.  The deliverable from stage 1 was a GIS map of the data collected.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Research, Cycle planning & design, Urban street design, Training & guidelines, Research & trials

  • Since 1998, the Christchurch practice has been to apply red coloured surfacing in selected sections of cycle facilities to heighten the awareness of motorists and cyclists regarding the presence of these facilities, particularly at conflict points. However, apart from Waimakariri District, the rest of New Zealand uses green coloured surfacing for cycle facilities, as well as for bus lanes.

Traffic Engineering, Traffic control device (TCD) trials, Research & trials

  • Lorraine and Jon have been out and about on Banks Peninsula recording the road markings, one way bridge priorities and other traffic control devices.

    When Banks Peninsula District Council was amalgamated with Christchurch City Council, it was difficult to reconcile some of the traffic resolutions with the markings and traffic controls on the road, and other records were difficult to find.

Traffic Engineering, Research, Research & trials

Policy and Strategy Development and Analysis, Research, Walking & cycling facilities

  • Auckland City Council (ACC) engaged ViaStrada to undertake a comprehensive cycling review for the "Learning Quarter", the campus area of the University of Auckland and the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), in the Auckland CBD.

Traffic Engineering Standards, Training and Research, Research, Walking & cycling facilities

  • ViaStrada has undertaken significant research and tool development on behalf of VicRoads (Victoria, Australia) to determine appropriate shared use path widths based on user volume characteristics.